Find the most popular ice-cream

Problem Statement

The company ABC has online ice-cream store. The company wants to know the most rated ice-cream from them, based on the rating given by the customers in the online store.

The most rated ice-cream is defined as the ice-cream that has the largest rating.


The first line of input is icecream_names, space separated values, where each value represents the name of an ice-cream.

The second line of input is ratings, space separated values, where each value is a float number representing the rating of the respective ice-cream from the first input. A rating is in the range [1, 5] in steps of one.

The above two inputs are converted to lists. And these lists are of same length.


Print the name of the most rated ice-cream.

As is

The boilerplate code is already there to read the inputs from user, in the main() function, and to print the value returned by the get_most_rated_icecream() function. Do not edit this code.

To do ✍

get_most_rated_icecream() has two parameters: icecream_names and ratings that are lists. Write code inside the function body to find the most rated ice-cream from the ratings list, and return the corresponding ice-cream name.

Example 1

Test input

choco butter vanilla cone pista
4.1 3.8 4.0 4.3 3.6

Test output



Among the ratings, 4.3 is the largest rating. And the ice-cream corresponding to this rating is the cone.

Example 2

Test input

choco butter vanilla cone pista
4.1 4.5 3.9 4.2 4.4

Test output



Among the ratings, 4.5 is the largest rating. And the ice-cream corresponding to this rating is the butter.

Useful References

Python Program

# Complete the following function
# Return the most rated icecream name
def get_most_rated_icecream(icecream_names, ratings):

# Boilerplate code - Do not edit the following
def main():
    icecream_names = [x for x in input().split()]
    ratings = [float(x) for x in input().split()]
    print(get_most_rated_icecream(icecream_names, ratings))

if __name__ == "__main__":

Testcase 1

choco butter vanilla cone pista
4.1 4.5 3.9 4.2 4.4

Testcase 2

choco butter cone pista
4.1 4 3.9 4.2

Testcase 3


Testcase 4

choco apple
4.1 5.0
# Complete the following function
# Return the most rated icecream name
def get_most_rated_icecream(icecream_names, ratings):
    max_rating = max(ratings)
    index_of_max_rating = ratings.index(max_rating)
    most_rated_icecream = icecream_names[index_of_max_rating]
    return most_rated_icecream

# Boilerplate code - Do not edit the following
def main():
    icecream_names = [x for x in input().split()]
    ratings = [float(x) for x in input().split()]
    print(get_most_rated_icecream(icecream_names, ratings))

if __name__ == "__main__":
show answer
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