Python math.acosh() – Arc / Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine

Python math.acosh()

math.acosh(x) function returns the arc hyperbolic cosine of x.

acosh(x) = log(x + sqrt(x^2 – 1))


The syntax to call acosh() function is



Parameter Required Description
x Yes A numeric value. x must be greater than or equal to 1.

If x is not a valid value for acosh() function, then the function raises ValueError.


In the following example, we find the inverse hyperbolic cosine of 5, using acosh() function of math module.

Python Program

import math

x = 5
result = math.acosh(x)
print('acosh(x) :', result)
Run Code


acosh(x) : 2.2924316695611777


In this Python Examples tutorial, we learned the syntax of, and examples for math.acosh() function.

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