Python math.isqrt() – Integer Square Root of a Number

Python math.isqrt()

math.isqrt(x) function returns the integer square root of non-negative integer x.

The return value of isqrt(x) is equivalent to the floor of sqrt(x).


The syntax to call isqrt() function is



Parameter Required Description
x Yes A non-negative integer.


1. Find the square root of an integer value

In the following program, we find the square root of an integer value 11.

Python Program

import math

x = 11
result = math.isqrt(x)
print('isqrt(x) :', result)
Run Code


isqrt(x) : 3

2. Find the square root of a float value

Since isqrt() accepts only integer value, if float value is passed as argument to it, the function raises TypeError.

Python Program

import math

x = 11.5
result = math.isqrt(x)
print('isqrt(x) :', result)
Run Code


TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer


In this Python Math tutorial, we learned the syntax of, and examples for math.isqrt() function.

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