Python math.lcm() – Least Common Multiple

Python math.lcm()

math.lcm(*integers) function returns the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of the integers passed as arguments.


The syntax to call lcm() function is



Parameter Required Description
*integers No None, one or multiple integer values.

If no integer value is passed as argument to lcm(), then the return value is 1.

If only one integer is passed to lcm(), then then same value is returned as LCM.

If any non-integral value is passed as argument to lcm(), then the function raises TypeError.


1. LCM of two integers

In the following program, we find the LCM of two integers: 10 and 25.

Python Program

import math

result = math.lcm(10, 25)
print('lcm() :', result)
Run Code


lcm() : 50

2. LCM of one integer

In the following program, we find the LCM of a single integer value: 5.

Python Program

import math

result = math.lcm(5)
print('lcm() :', result)
Run Code


lcm() : 5

3. LCM of float values

In the following program, we try to find the LCM of floating point values. math.lcm() throws TypeError, because the method accepts only integer values.

Python Program

import math

result = math.lcm(5.5)
print('lcm() :', result)
Run Code


TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer


In this Python Math tutorial, we learned the syntax of, and examples for math.lcm() function.

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