Comments in R
In this tutorial, we will learn how to write comments in R programming language. We will go through the different types of comments and how to use them in a program.
What are Comments
Comments in R are non-executable statements that are used to annotate the code, provide explanations, and make it more readable. They are ignored by the R interpreter during execution.
The syntax to define comments in R is:
# Single line comment
# Multi-line comment
# continues here
Example 1: Single line comments
In R, single-line comments are denoted by the hash symbol (#) and are used to add explanations or annotations within code, ignored by the R interpreter. Single line comments in R start with #
and continue to the end of the line. They are used to add short explanations or notes within the code.
For example,
- We write a program with a single line comment in the first line.
- We use this comment to tell what print() is doing.
R Program
# Print Hello, World! to the console
print('Hello, World!');
[1] 'Hello, World!'
Example 2: Multi-line comments
Multiline comments in R start with #
and continue on each line. They can span multiple lines and are used for longer explanations or to comment out blocks of code.
For example,
- We write a program with a multiline comment spanning the first two lines.
- We use this comment to tell what print() is doing.
R Program
# Print Hello, World! to the console
# This is a multi-line comment
print('Hello, World!');
[1] 'Hello, World!'