The SQL SELF JOIN statement is used to join a table with itself. This is useful for comparing rows within the same table or for hierarchical data such as organizational structures.


SELECT a.column1, a.column2, b.column1, b.column2, ...
FROM table_name a
JOIN table_name b
ON a.column = b.column;

The SELF JOIN statement has the following components:

  • column1, column2, ...: The columns to be retrieved.
  • table_name a: The alias for the first instance of the table.
  • table_name b: The alias for the second instance of the table.
  • a.column = b.column: The condition to join the table with itself.

Example SQL SELF JOIN Statement Queries

Let's look at some examples of SQL SELF JOIN statement queries:

1. Basic SELF JOIN Example

SELECT a.id AS emp_id, a.first_name AS emp_first_name, b.id AS mgr_id, b.first_name AS mgr_first_name
FROM employees a
JOIN employees b
ON a.manager_id = b.id;

This query retrieves the id and first_name columns from the employees table twice, using aliases a and b to compare employees with their managers. It returns the employee ID, employee first name, manager ID, and manager first name.

2. SELF JOIN for Hierarchical Data

SELECT a.id AS emp_id, a.first_name AS emp_first_name, b.id AS mgr_id, b.first_name AS mgr_first_name
FROM employees a
JOIN employees b
ON a.manager_id = b.id
WHERE a.department = 'Sales';

This query retrieves the id and first_name columns from the employees table twice, using aliases a and b to compare employees with their managers within the Sales department. It returns the employee ID, employee first name, manager ID, and manager first name for employees in the Sales department.

Full Example

Let's go through a complete example that includes creating a table, inserting data, and querying the table with the SELF JOIN statement.

Step 1: Creating a Table

This step involves creating a new table named employees to store employee data.

CREATE TABLE employees (
    first_name VARCHAR(50),
    last_name VARCHAR(50),
    manager_id INT,
    department VARCHAR(50)

In this example, we create a table named employees with columns for id, first_name, last_name, manager_id, and department.

Step 2: Inserting Data into the Table

This step involves inserting some sample data into the employees table.

INSERT INTO employees (id, first_name, last_name, manager_id, department)
VALUES (1, 'John', 'Doe', NULL, 'Sales'),
       (2, 'Jane', 'Smith', 1, 'Sales'),
       (3, 'Jim', 'Brown', 1, 'Engineering'),
       (4, 'Jake', 'White', 2, 'Sales');

Here, we insert data into the employees table.

Step 3: Querying the Table with SELF JOIN

This step involves selecting the data from the employees table and joining it with itself using the SELF JOIN statement.

SELECT a.id AS emp_id, a.first_name AS emp_first_name, b.id AS mgr_id, b.first_name AS mgr_first_name
FROM employees a
JOIN employees b
ON a.manager_id = b.id;

This query retrieves all the rows from the employees table, joining it with itself to show the relationship between employees and their managers. The result will be:

emp_id  emp_first_name  mgr_id  mgr_first_name
------  --------------  ------  --------------
2       Jane            1       John
3       Jim             1       John
4       Jake            2       Jane


The SQL SELF JOIN statement is a powerful tool for joining a table with itself. Understanding how to use the SELF JOIN statement and its syntax is essential for effective data retrieval and analysis in SQL databases.