Dart Uri.http()
Syntax & Examples

Uri.http constructor

The `Uri.http` constructor in Dart creates a new `http` URI from an authority, path, and optional query parameters.

Syntax of Uri.http

The syntax of Uri.Uri.http constructor is:

Uri.http(String authority, [ String unencodedPath, [ Map<String, String> queryParameters ])

This Uri.http constructor of Uri creates a new http URI from authority, path and query.


authorityrequiredThe authority part of the URI, typically the domain name or IP address.
unencodedPathoptionalThe path part of the URI. It should not be URL-encoded.
queryParametersoptionalA map of query parameters as key-value pairs.

✐ Examples

1 Creating an HTTP URI with authority, path, and query parameters

In this example,

  1. We define a string variable `authority` representing the server name.
  2. We define a string variable `path` representing the path on the server.
  3. We create a map of query parameters.
  4. We use the `Uri.http` constructor to create an HTTP URI with the provided parameters.
  5. We print the URI as a string.

Dart Program

void main() {
  String authority = 'example.com';
  String path = '/api/data';
  Map<String, String> queryParameters = {'page': '1', 'limit': '10'};
  Uri uri = Uri.http(authority, path, queryParameters);



2 Creating a basic HTTP URI with only authority

In this example,

  1. We define a string variable `authority` representing the server name and port.
  2. We use the `Uri.http` constructor with only the authority parameter.
  3. We print the URI as a string.

Dart Program

void main() {
  String authority = 'localhost:8080';
  Uri uri = Uri.http(authority);




In this Dart tutorial, we learned about Uri.http constructor of Uri: the syntax and few working examples with output and detailed explanation for each example.