How to Add Item to Dictionary - 2 Python Examples

Python Add Item(s) to Dictionary

To add an item to an existing dictionary, you can assign value to the dictionary variable indexed using the key.

In this tutorial, we shall learn how to add a new key:value pair to a Python Dictionary, with help of some well detailed Python programs.

Syntax to add key:value pair to dict

Following is the syntax to add a key:value pair to the dictionary.

Dictionary[newKey] = newValue


1. Add three items to given dictionary

In this example, we will create a Python Dictionary with some initial values and then add multiple items to this dictionary.

Python Program

# create and initialize a dictionary
myDictionary = {
	'a': '65',
	'b': '66',
	'c': '67'

# add new items to the dictionary
myDictionary['d'] = '68'
myDictionary['e'] = '69'
myDictionary['f'] = '70'

# print dictionary


  1. A dictionary myDictionary is created and initialized with three key-value pairs: "a": "65", "b": "66", and "c": "67".
  2. Three new items are added to the dictionary using key-value assignments: myDictionary["d"] = "68", myDictionary["e"] = "69", and myDictionary["f"] = "70".
  3. The print() function is used to display the updated dictionary, which will now include all six key-value pairs:
    • "a": "65"
    • "b": "66"
    • "c": "67"
    • "d": "68"
    • "e": "69"
    • "f": "70"


{'a': '65', 'b': '66', 'c': '67', 'd': '68', 'e': '69', 'f': '70'}

2. Try adding an item to dictionary where the key already exists

If you try to add a key:value pair to the dictionary, in which case the dictionary has already that key, the value would be updated.

Python Program

# create and initialize a dictionary
myDictionary = {
	'a': '65',
	'b': '66',
	'c': '67'

# add new items to the dictionary
myDictionary['c'] = '68'

# print dictionary


  1. A dictionary myDictionary is created and initialized with three key-value pairs: "a": "65", "b": "66", and "c": "67".
  2. The item with the key "c" is updated by assigning a new value "68" to it.
  3. The print() function is used to display the updated dictionary, which will now show the following key-value pairs:
    • "a": "65"
    • "b": "66"
    • "c": "68"


{'a': '65', 'b': '66', 'c': '68'}

The key:value pair got update updated. So, you have to make sure, if the key is already present or not, and then try adding the new key:value pair.


In this tutorial of Python Examples, we learned how to add one or more items to an existing Python Dictionary with the help of well detailed examples.

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