How to get Number of Seconds between Two Dates in Python?

Python – Get Number of Seconds between Two Dates

To get the number of seconds between two given dates in Python, follow these steps.

  • Import datetime library.
  • Take the two dates as date objects.
  • Find the difference between these two dates using Subtraction Operator. Subtraction Operator with the two dates as operands returns a timedelta object.
  • timedelta.total_seconds() returns the number of seconds between the two given dates.


In the following program, we take two dates: date_1 and date_2 as date objects, and find the number of seconds between them.

Python Program

from datetime import date

date_1 = date(2022, 1, 18)
date_2 = date(2022, 2, 14)
diff = date_2 - date_1
seconds = diff.total_seconds()
print('Number of seconds :', seconds)
Run Code Copy

Output #1

Number of seconds : 2332800.0

There are 27 days between the two given dates, and therefore 27 days * 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds is equal to 2332800 seconds.


In this Python Tutorial, we learned how to find the number of seconds between two given dates, using datetime library.

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