float() Builtin Function

Python – float()

Python float() builtin function takes a string or number, converts it into a floating point number, and returns the floating point number.

In this tutorial, you will learn the syntax of float() function, and then its usage with the help of example programs.


The syntax of float() function is



Parameter Description
x [Optional] A string or a number.

If no argument is given to float(), then it returns zero.


1. Convert string to float

In the following program, we pass a string value to float() function. float() converts the given string into a floating point number.

Python Program

x = '3.14'
output = float(x)
print(f'Float value : {output}')
Run Code


Float value : 3.14

If the string has any leading or trailing spaces, then float() would first trim those spaces, and then parse the given string into a float.

Python Program

x = '  3.14 \n'
output = float(x)
print(f'Float value : {output}')
Run Code


Float value : 3.14

2. Convert integer to float

In the following program, we pass an integer value to float() function. float() converts the given integer into a floating point number.

Python Program

x = 45
output = float(x)
print(f'Float value : {output}')
Run Code


Float value : 45.0

3. float() with no argument

In the following program, we pass no argument to float() function. float() must return 0.0.

Python Program

output = float()
print(f'Float value : {output}')
Run Code


Float value : 0.0


In this tutorial of Python Examples, we learned the syntax of float() builtin function, and how to create a floating point number from string input or another numeric input, using float() function, with examples.

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