Builtin Functions
Python core library provides some builtin functions for the most trivial actions.
The following list of tutorials cover all the builtin functions in Python programming language.
- abs()This function is used to find the absolute value of the given number. The tutorial contains syntax, and examples for abs() function.
- all()This function is used to check if all the items in the given iterable are True. The tutorial contains syntax, and examples for all() function.
- any()This function is used to check if any of the items in the given iterable is True. The tutorial contains syntax, and examples for any() function.
- ascii()This function escapes the non-ascii characters in the given object, and returns a printable version. The tutorial contains syntax, and examples for ascii() function.
- bin()This function returns binary value of given integer. The tutorial contains syntax, and examples for bin() function.
- bool()This function returns a boolean value of the given object. The tutorial contains syntax, and examples for bool() function.
- bytearray()This function creates and returns a byte array of specific size, or with the contents of specified string object and encoding. The tutorial contains syntax, and examples for bytearray() function.
- bytes()This function creates and returns a bytes object of specific size, or with the contents of specified string object and encoding. The tutorial contains syntax, and examples for bytes() function.
- callable()This function returns True if given object is callable, or False otherwise. The tutorial contains syntax, and examples for callable() function.
- chr()This function returns the character specified by the given Unicode code point. The tutorial contains syntax, and examples for chr() function.
- @classmethod This function decorator is used to specify a class method in a class definition.
- compile() This function is used to compile a source code string or a file into a code object that can be executed by the Python interpreter.
- complex()This function returns a complex number created using given real and imaginary parts.
- delattr()This function deletes the specified attribute in the given object.
- dict()This function is used to create a dictionary (set of key-value pairs).
- dir()This function returns a list of all the properties and methods of the given Python object.
- divmod()This function takes two numbers as arguments, and returns the quotient and remainder as a pair.
- enumerate()This function takes an iterable (sequence) and returns an enumerate object.
- eval()This function takes an expression (string), parses it into Python code, and evaluates it.
- exec()This function takes Python code (as a string or a code object), parses it, and executes the code.
- filter()This function can filter or remove items from an iterable object based on the specified condition. The syntax and examples for the filter() function are given in this tutorial.
- float()This function can take a string or a number, and convert it into floating point number.
- format() This function is used to format a given value into a specified representation.
- frozenset() This function is used to create a frozenset.
- getattr() This function reads the value of an attribute of an object.
- globals() This function returns all the global variables with values as a dictionary, implementing the current module namespace.
- hasattr() This function is used to check if the object has specific attribute.
- hash() This function returns the hash value of an object. The object must be hashable, otherwise, the function throws TypeError.
- help() This function is used to provide interactive help and documentation for objects such as functions, modules, classes, and methods.
- hex()This function returns the hexadecimal representation of the given integer.
- id() This function returns the ID value of an object.
- input()This function is used to read input entered by a user via a standard input device.
- int()This function is used to create an integer from a string, or another number, with an optional base value.
- isinstance() This function is used to check if given object is an instance of specified class.
- issubclass() This function is used to check if given class is an instance of another specified class.
- iter() This function is used to get an iterator object for an iterable.
- len()This function returns the length of an object. The syntax and examples are given in this tutorial.
- list()This function is used to create a list from given iterable.
- locals() This function is used to get the dictionary of local symbol table.
- map()This function takes an iterator and a function, and returns a map with the elements from the iterator and the result of the function applied to each element. The syntax and examples are given in this tutorial.
- max()This function takes two or more elements, or an iterable as argument(s), and returns the element with maximum value. Syntax, and examples are given in this tutorial.
- memoryview() This function is used to get the memoryview of the given bytes-like object.
- min()This function takes two or more elements, or an iterable as argument(s), and returns the element with minimum value. Syntax, and examples are given in this tutorial.
- next() This function returns the next element in an iterator object.
- object() This function is used to create an empty object.
- oct()This function is used to convert an integer to an octal string prefixed with 0o.
- open() This function is used to open a file specified by a path in specific mode.
- ord()This function returns the Unicode point of the given character.
- pow()This function takes base and exponent as arguments, and returns the power: base raised to the exponent. Syntax, and examples are given in this tutorial.
- property() This function is used to create a property with specific setter function, getter function, and delete function for the property.
- range()This function is used to generate a range or sequence of numbers with the defined start, end, and difference between the elements. Syntax, and examples are given in this tutorial.
- repr() This function is used to get the string representation of a given object.
- reversed()This function reverses the order of elements in the given sequence.
- round()This function returns the given number rounded to the specified number of decimal points.
- set()This function is used to create a Set from the items of the given iterable.
- setattr() This function sets a value for an attribute of an object.
- slice() This function is used to find the slice of a given iterable like list, tuple, string, etc.
- sorted()This function takes a collection or iterator as argument, and return a list with the items sorted. Syntax, and examples are given in this tutorial.
- @staticmethod This function decorator is used to transform a method in a class into a static method.
- str()This function creates a String from the given argument. Syntax, and examples are given in this tutorial.
- sum()This function returns the sum of the items in the given iterable.
- super() This function is used to call the method in parent/super class, without specifying the name of the parent class.
- tuple()This function creates a tuple with the items from the given iterable.
- type()This function takes an object as argument, and returns the type of the given object. Syntax, and examples are given in this tutorial.
- vars() This function is used to get the attributes of a given object as a dictionary.
- zip()This function is used to iterate over multiple iterators parallelly. The iterator produces tuples with items from the individual iterators.