Python Tuple Operations

Python Tuple Operations

Python Tuple is an immutable collection of items. Also, tuple is an ordered collection. These properties of a tuple enable some operations like accessing the items using an index, iterating over its elements, etc., and disable some of the operations like updating tuple items.

In this tutorial, we will go through some of the commonly used Tuple operations in Python programming.

Tuple Operations

Following are the list of tuple operations that we can perform in Python. Each of these tutorial provide well detailed examples to understand each operation.

  1. Python - Create tuple
  2. Python - Create empty tuple
  3. Python - Tuple length
  4. Python - Access tuple
  5. Python - Iterate over tuple items using For loop
  6. Python - Iterate over tuple items using While loop
  7. Python - Add to tuple
  8. Python - Update tuple items
  9. Python - Reverse tuple using reversed()
  10. Python - List of tuples
  11. Python - Sort list of tuples
  12. Python - Sort list of tuples by second element
  13. Python - Return tuple from function
  14. Python - Slice a tuple

Tuple Checks

  1. Python - Check if tuple contains specified value

Tuple Conversions

  1. Python - Convert tuple to list
  2. Python - Convert list to tuple
  3. Python - Convert tuple to string

Tuple Methods

  1. Python Tuple count()
  2. Python Tuple index()


In this tutorial of Python Tuples, we learned how to use Tuple in a Python program with different usages of tuple, presented as examples and tutorials.

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