Python – Check if String contains Substring from List

Check if string contains substring(s) from list in Python

To check if string contains substring from a list of strings, iterate over list of strings, and for each item in the list, check if the item is present in the given string.

In this type of scenario, we have


1. Check if given string contains items from list

In this example, we will take a source string, and a list of strings. We will use for loop, to check if the string from list is present as substring in source string.

Python Program

source_string = 'a b c d e f'
list_of_strings = ['k', 'm', 'e' ]

for substring in list_of_strings:
    if substring in source_string:
        print('String contains substring from list.')
Run Code


String contains substring from list.

As the item from list 'e' is present as substring in the source string, during the for loop execution for the element 'e', condition in if loop becomes True.


In this tutorial of Python Examples, we learned how to check if string contains substring from a list of strings, with the help of example program.

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