Delete Documents from Collection - PyMongo - Examples

Python MongoDB Delete Documents

You can delete one or more documents from a collection using delete_one() or delete_many() functions respectively.

Delete One Document

delete_one() function can be called on a collection. The function takes query as an argument and deletes only the first and single document that matches the given query.


In the following example, we will delete a single document that matches the given criteria.

Python Program

import pymongo

myclient = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")

# Use database named "organisation"
mydb = myclient["organisation"]

# Use collection named "developers"
mycol = mydb["developers"]

print('Documents in Collection\n-----------------------')
for doc in mycol.find():

# Query to delete document
query = {'address':'India'}

# Delete one document

print('\nDocuments in Collection after delete_one()\n-----------------------')
for doc in mycol.find():


Delete only one Document from MongoDB Collection that matches query

Delete many documents

delete_many() function can be called on a collection. The function takes query as an argument and deletes all the documents that matches the given query.


In the following example, we will delete multiple documents that match the given criteria.

Python Program

import pymongo

myclient = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")

#use database named "organisation"
mydb = myclient["organisation"]

#use collection named "developers"
mycol = mydb["developers"]

print('Documents in Collection\n-----------------------')
for doc in mycol.find():

#query to delete document
query = {'address':'India'}

#delete many document

print('\nDocuments in Collection after delete_many	()\n-----------------------')
for doc in mycol.find():


Delete multiple Documents from MongoDB Collection that matches query


In this PyMongo Tutorial, we learned how to delete one or more documents from a collection, using delete_one(), and delete_many() functions.

Python Libraries