Python chr() Builtin Function

Python - chr()

Python chr() builtin function is used to convert a given Unicode code point to a character.

In this tutorial, you will learn the syntax of chr() function, and then its usage with the help of example programs.


The syntax of chr() function is



xAn integer value representing a Unicode code point

x must be in the range(0x110000).


1. Convert Unicode code point to character

In the following program, we pass a value of 65 to the chr() function. Unicode code point 65 represents the character: capital alphabet A.

Python Program

x = 65
output = chr(x)
print(f'x      : {x}')
print(f'chr(x) : {output}')


x      : 65
chr(x) : A

2. chr() with invalid Unicode code point as argument

A valid Unicode code point is in the range(0x110000). If we give a number out of this range as argument to chr(), it raises ValueError as shown in the following.

Python Program

x = 12685000
output = chr(x)
print(f'x      : {x}')
print(f'chr(x) : {output}')


  File "/Users/pe/Documents/workspace/python/", line 2, in <module>
    output = chr(x)
ValueError: chr() arg not in range(0x110000)


In this tutorial of Python Examples, we learned the syntax of chr() function, and how to get the character for a given Unicode code point, with examples.

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