Get country code from phone number
To get country code from given phone number, parse the phone number to a PhoneNumber object, and read the country_code property.
1. Get country code from given phone number string
In the following program, we have a phone number string in variable phonenumber_string. We parse this string into a PhoneNumber object using phonenumbers.parse() function and store the object in x. Then we access the country_code property of this PhoneNumber object.
Python Program
import phonenumbers
# Take phone number in a string
phonenumber_string = "+442083661177"
# Parse the string to a PhoneNumber object
x = phonenumbers.parse(phonenumber_string)
# Get country code
code = x.country_code
print('Country code :', code)
Run Code CopyOutput
Country code : 44
In this tutorial of Python Examples, we learned how to get country code from given phone number using phonenumbers library, with the help of example programs.