pow() Builtin Function

Python pow()

Python pow() builtin function can be used to calculate the base to the power of a number.

In this tutorial, you will learn the syntax of pow() function, and then its usage with the help of example programs.


The syntax of pow() function is

pow(base, exp[, mod])


baseA number.
expA number.
mod[Optional] A number.

pow() function returns the value base to the power of exp. mod is optional. If mod is provided then pow() returns pow(base, exp) % mod with the modulo operation done efficiently.


1. Find base to the power of a number

In this example, we will compute 5 to the power of 3. The base value is 5 and the power is 3.

Python Program

base = 5
exp = 3
result = pow(base, exp)
print(f'{base} to the power of {exp} is {result}.')


5 to the power of 3 is 125.

2. Find base to the power of zero

In this example, we will try to find the base to the power of zero. For any base value, the result should be one.

Python Program

base = 5
exp = 0
result = pow(base, exp)
print(f'{base} to the power of {exp} is {result}.')


5 to the power of 0 is 1.

3. Negative power

We can also give a negative power. In this example, we will find the value of 5 to the power of -1.

Python Program

base = 5
exp = -1
result = pow(base, exp)
print(f'{base} to the power of {exp} is {result}.')


5 to the power of -1 is 0.2.

4. pow() with mod parameter

In this example we will give mod parameter to pow() function and find 5 to the power of 3 modular division with 10.

Python Program

base = 5
exp = 3
mod = 10
result = pow(base, exp, mod)
print(f'{base} to the power of {exp}, % {mod} is {result}.')


5 to the power of 3, % 10 is 5.


In this tutorial of Python Examples, we learned the syntax of pow() function, and how to find base to a given power using pow() function with examples.

Python Libraries