Python RegEx – Find numbers of Specific Length in String
To find numbers of specific length, N, is a string, use the regular expression [0-9]+ to find number strings of any length. [0-9] matches a single digit. After you find all the items, filter them with the length specified.
1. Find numbers of specific length in a string
In the following example, we take a string, and find all the 3 digit numbers in that string.
Python Program
import re
str = 'We four guys, live at 2nd street of Malibeu 521. I had a cash of $248 in my pocket. I got a ticket with serial number 88796451-52.'
# Search using regex
x = re.findall('[0-9]+', str)
print('All Numbers\n',x)
# Digits of length N
def filterNumber(n):
return True
return False
# Filter the list
finalx = list(filter(filterNumber, x))
print('Final List\n',finalx)
Run Code CopyOutput
All Numbers
['2', '521', '248', '88796451', '52']
Final List
['521', '248']
What have we done here?
Following is the explanation to the notable program statements in the above example.
- re.findall('[0-9]+', str) returns all the words that are numbers.
- The function filterNumber(n) returns true if the length of the number n equals length that we specified N.
- Filter the list returned in step 1 with the function defined in step 2.
- The filter in step 3 returns the list containing the numbers that are of the length specified.
In this tutorial of Python Examples, we learned how to get the list of numbers with a specific length, using Python Regular Expression.