How to Create Tensors with Random Values in PyTorch

Create PyTorch Tensor with Ramdom Values

To create a random tensor with specific shape, use torch.rand() function with shape passed as argument to the function. torch.rand() function returns tensor with random values generated in the specified shape.


Following is a simple example, where in we created a tensor of specific size filled with random values.

import torch
#create tensor with random data
rand_tensor = torch.rand((2, 5))
#print tensor
PyTorch create tensor with random values and specified size

Create PyTorch Tensor with Random Values less than a Specific Maximum Value

By default, pytorch.rand() function generates tensor with floating point values ranging between 0 and 1.


In the following example, we will create a tensor with random values that are less than 8.

import torch
#create tensor with random data, and multiply with a scalar
rand_tensor = 8*torch.rand((2, 5))
#print tensor

Create Tensor with Random Values from a Range

You can also create a PyTorch Tensor with random values belonging to a specific range (min, max).


In the following example, we have taken a range of (4, 8) and created a tensor, with random values being picked from the range (4, 8).

import torch
max = 8
min = 4
#create tensor with random values in range (min, max)
rand_tensor = (max-min)*torch.rand((2, 5)) + min
#print tensor

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