MongoDB Drop Index

MongoDB Drop Index

In MongoDB, the dropIndex operation is used to remove an index from a collection. This method is essential for managing and optimizing the performance of queries within MongoDB collections by deleting indexes that are no longer needed or used.



The dropIndex method takes an indexName parameter, which specifies the name of the index to be removed.

Example MongoDB Drop Index

Let's look at an example of how to use the dropIndex method in the programGuru collection in MongoDB:

1. Drop an Index


This command removes the index named name_index from the programGuru collection.

Full Example

Let's go through a complete example that includes switching to a database, creating a collection, creating an index, and dropping the index.

Step 1: Switch to a Database

This step involves switching to a database named myDatabase.

use myDatabase

In this example, we switch to the myDatabase database.

MongoDB Drop Index

Step 2: Create a Collection

This step involves creating a new collection named programGuru in the myDatabase database.


Here, we create a collection named programGuru.

MongoDB Drop Index

Step 3: Insert Documents into the Collection

This step involves inserting documents into the programGuru collection.

    { name: "John Doe", age: 30, email: "" },
    { name: "Jane Smith", age: 25, email: "" },
    { name: "Jim Brown", age: 35, email: "" }

We insert multiple documents into the programGuru collection.

MongoDB Drop Index

Step 4: Create an Index

This step involves creating an index on the name field in the programGuru collection.

db.programGuru.createIndex({ name: 1 }, { name: "name_index" })

We create an ascending index on the name field and name it name_index.

MongoDB Drop Index

Step 5: Drop the Index

This step involves using the dropIndex method to remove the name_index from the programGuru collection.


We drop the name_index from the programGuru collection.

MongoDB Drop Index


The MongoDB dropIndex operation is crucial for managing and optimizing the performance of collections. Understanding how to use this method allows you to efficiently remove indexes that are no longer needed, ensuring optimal query performance and efficient data retrieval within MongoDB collections.