How to Delete Character at Specific Index in String in Python

Delete Character at Specific Index in String

Given a string myStr and an index position index, we need a string created from the string myStr but without the character at specified index index.

To delete the character from a string at specific index in Python, we can use string slicing technique.

Slice a string from starting to just before the specified index, and slice another string from after the specified index till the end. Join these two strings, and the resulting string is the original string without the character at specified index.


The syntax of the expression to get the string myStr without the character at index index using slicing is

myStr[:index] + myStr[index + 1: ]


In the following program, we take a string in myStr and delete the character at index=3.

Python Program

myStr = 'apple'
index = 3
output = myStr[:index] + myStr[index + 1: ]

print(f'Input  : {myStr}')
print(f'Output : {output}')


Input  : apple
Output : appe


In this tutorial of Python Examples, we learned how to remove the character at a given index from the string using slicing technique, with the help of well detailed examples.

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