Python – Print list in JSON format
The JSON equivalent of a Python list is a JSON Array.
To print list in JSON format in Python, you can use json library. Call json.dumps() method and pass the given list as argument. dumps() method returns a JSON formatted version of the given list.
For example, consider the following list.
x = ['apple', 'banana', 100, 200]
The JSON format of this list is given below.
["apple", "banana", 100, 200]
1. Print list in JSON format using json.dumps() method in Python
Consider that we are given a list in x, and we have to print this list in JSON format using json library.
- Import json library.
- Given a list in x.
- Call json.dumps() method and pass x as argument to the method.
- The method returns a JSON array representation of the list. Print it to standard console output using print() built-in function.
The complete program to print a list in JSON format using json.dumps() method.
Python Program
import json
# Given list
x = ['apple', 'banana', 100, 200]
# Convert list to JSON string
x_json = json.dumps(x)
# Print the list in JSON format
Run Code CopyOutput
["apple", "banana", 100, 200]
The list is printed in JSON format.
In this tutorial, we have seen how to print a given list in JSON format using json dumps() function, with well detailed examples.