Python - Filter List that start with specific Prefix string

Python - Filter List items that start with specific Prefix string

To filter a list of strings that start with a specific prefix string in Python, you can use list comprehension, filter() built-in function, or use a simple For-loop.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to filter list of strings that start with a specific prefix string, with examples.

You may refer Python - Filter List tutorial, to get an idea of how to filter a list.

1. Filter list of strings that start with specific prefix using List Comprehension

In this example, we will take a list of strings in my_list, and filter the strings that start with a specific prefix string "Pe", using List Comprehension with If condition.

Python Program

my_list = ["Apple", "Pears", "Fig", "Peach", "Mango"]

filtered_list = [x for x in my_list if x.startswith("Pe")]
print(f"Filtered list : {filtered_list}")


Filtered list : ['Pears', 'Peach']

Only the items that start with the prefix string "Pe" made it to the filtered list.

2. Filter list of strings that start with specific prefix using filter() built-in function

In this example, we will filter the list of strings my_list that start with a specific prefix string "Pe", using filter() built-in function.

Python Program

my_list = ["Apple", "Pears", "Fig", "Peach", "Mango"]

filtered_list = filter(lambda x: x.startswith("Pe"), my_list)
print(f"Filtered list : {filtered_list}")


Filtered list : ['Pears', 'Peach']

3. Filter list that start with specific prefix using For loop

In this example, we will use a simple For loop, and an if statement to filter the list of strings my_list that start with a specific prefix string "Pe".

Python Program

my_list = ["Apple", "Pears", "Fig", "Peach", "Mango"]

filtered_list = []
for x in my_list:
    if x.startswith('Pe'):

print(f"Filtered list : {filtered_list}")


Filtered list : ['Pears', 'Peach']


Summarizing this tutorial on Python Lists, we have seen different ways to filter a list of strings starting with a specified prefix string in Python, with examples.

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