PySpark – SparkContext Example

Python PySpark – SparkContext

SparkContext provides an entry point of any Spark Application.

In this tutorial, we shall start with a basic example of how to get started with SparkContext, and then learn more about the details of it in-depth, using syntax and example programs.

Example – PySpark SparkContext

A simple example to create SparkContext with PySpark is:

# Import SparkContext
from pyspark import SparkContext

# Create SparkContext
sc = SparkContext("local", "My First Spark Application")

print("SparkContext :",sc)

Firstly, we have imported SparkContext class from pyspark package. Then, we have created spark context with local master and My First Spark Application as application name. If you have installed spark in your computer and are trying out this example, you can keep the master as local. Otherwise, if the spark demon is running on some other computer in the cluster, you can provide the URL of the spark driver.

To run the above application, you can save the file as and run the following command in command prompt.

C:\workspace\python> spark-submit

You should not see any errors that potentially stop the Spark Driver, and between those clumsy logs, you should see the following line, which we are printing out to console in our Spark Application.

SparkContext : <SparkContext master=local appName=My First Spark Application>

Syntax – Python SparkContext

The syntax of SparkContext Class is:

class pyspark.SparkContext (
	master = None,
	appName = None, 
	sparkHome = None, 
	pyFiles = None, 
	environment = None, 
	batchSize = 0, 
	serializer = PickleSerializer(), 
	conf = None, 
	gateway = None, 
	jsc = None, 
	profiler_cls = <class 'pyspark.profiler.BasicProfiler'>


Based on the requirement, and your environment settings, you can set any of the parameters allowed by pyspark.SparkContext().


In this tutorial of Python Examples, we learned how to get started with SparkContext in Python using PySpark library.

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