Python AS Keyword

Python – as keyword

as keyword is used to create an alias in Python.

as keyword is generally used to create alias in the following scenarios.

The syntax to use as keyword to create an alias for importing a module is

import <module_name> as <alias_name>

The syntax to use as keyword to create an alias for importing a sub-module is

from <module_name> import <sub_module_name> as <alias_name>

The syntax to use as keyword to create an alias for a resource is

with <resource> as <alias_name>

The syntax to use as keyword to create an alias for importing a module is

except <exception_name> as <alias_name>

Example 1: Create Alias for Module

In this example, we will create an alias for module numpy in the import statement with alias name np.

Python Program

import numpy as np

a = np.array([4, 5, 3, 7])
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[4 5 3 7]

Example 2: Create Alias for Sub-Module

In this example, we will create an alias for sub-module scimath in the import statement with alias name smath.

Python Program

from numpy.lib import scimath as smath

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Example 3: Create Alias for Module

In this example, we will read a file using open() function and store its reference in a variable using with statement and as keyword as shown below.

Python Program

with open('sample.txt') as myfile:
    fileContents =



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Example 4: as in Except clause

In this example, we will create an alias for module numpy in the import statement with alias name np.

Python Program

    with open('no_file.txt') as myfile:
        fileContents =
except FileNotFoundError as ex:


[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'no_file.txt'


In this tutorial of Python Examples, we learned how to use Python as keyword to create an alias in different scenarios, with the help of examples.

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