Python Bytes to String

Python bytes to String

To convert Python bytes object to String, you can use bytes.decode() method.

In this tutorial, we will learn the syntax of bytes.decode() method, and how to use decode() method to convert or decode a python bytes to a string object.

Syntax of bytes.decode()

The syntax of bytes.decode() method is


where encoding specifies how to decode the bytes sequence.

decode() method returns the decoded string.


1. Convert bytes object to string

In this example, we will decode bytes sequence to string using bytes.decode() method.

Python Program

bytesObj = b'52s3a6'
string = bytesObj.decode('utf-8')
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2. Convert hex bytes to a string value

In this example, we will take a bytes sequence which contains hexadecimal representation of bytes, and have them converted to string.

Python Program

bytesObj = b'\x68\x65\x6C\x6C\x6F'
string = bytesObj.decode('utf-8')
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3. Convert hex bytes to a string using utf-16 encoding

You can decode the bytes sequence in the required format.

In this example, we will take a bytes sequence which contains hexadecimal representation of bytes, and have them converted to string using utf-16 format.

Python Program

bytesObj = b'\x68\x00\x65\x00\x6c\x00\x6c\x00\x6f\x00'
string = bytesObj.decode('utf-16')
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As, we are using utf-16, it takes 4 hex digits to make a utf-16 character. So, \x68\x00 is converted to a single utf-16 character h.


In this tutorial of Python Examples, we learned how to convert bytes sequence to string.

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