PostgreSQL TO_DATE() Data Type Formatting Function

PostgreSQL TO_DATE() Data Type Formatting Function

The PostgreSQL TO_DATE() function is used to convert a string to a date according to a specified format. This function is essential for transforming text representations of dates into actual date values for accurate date-based calculations and comparisons.


TO_DATE(text, format)

The TO_DATE() function has the following components:

  • text: The string to be converted to a date.
  • format: The format to which the string should be converted.

Example PostgreSQL TO_DATE() Queries

Let's look at some examples of PostgreSQL TO_DATE() function queries:

1. Basic TO_DATE() Example

SELECT TO_DATE('05 Dec 2000', 'DD Mon YYYY') AS formatted_date;

This query converts the string '05 Dec 2000' to a date in the format 'DD Mon YYYY', resulting in '2000-12-05'.

2. TO_DATE() with Different Date Format

SELECT TO_DATE('2024-06-04', 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS formatted_date;

This query converts the string '2024-06-04' to a date in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD', resulting in '2024-06-04'.

3. TO_DATE() with Column Values

SELECT id, TO_DATE(birthdate_text, 'DD/MM/YYYY') AS birthdate
FROM people;

This query retrieves the id and the birthdate converted from the text representation in 'DD/MM/YYYY' format for each row in the people table.

Full Example

Let's go through a complete example that includes creating a table, inserting data, and using the TO_DATE() function to convert text to date values.

Step 1: Creating a Table

This step involves creating a new table named people to store people's data, including their birthdates as text.

    name TEXT,
    birthdate_text TEXT

In this example, we create a table named people with columns for id, name, and birthdate_text.

Step 2: Inserting Data into the Table

This step involves inserting some sample data into the people table.

INSERT INTO people (name, birthdate_text)
VALUES ('Alice', '05/12/2000'),
       ('Bob', '23/05/1995'),
       ('Charlie', '15/08/1988');

Here, we insert data into the people table.

Step 3: Using the TO_DATE() Function

This step involves using the TO_DATE() function to convert the text birthdate values to actual date values in the people table.

Convert text birthdate to date value:

SELECT id, name, TO_DATE(birthdate_text, 'DD/MM/YYYY') AS birthdate
FROM people;

This query converts the text birthdate values to date values in the format 'DD/MM/YYYY'.


The PostgreSQL TO_DATE() function is a fundamental tool for transforming text representations of dates into actual date values. Understanding how to use the TO_DATE() function and its syntax is essential for accurate date-based calculations and comparisons in PostgreSQL databases.