Resize or Truncate Text File to specific size in Python
Resize or truncate text file to specific size in Python
To resize or truncate a text file to specific size in Python, we can use file.truncate() function.
Pass the desired size (integer value) as argument to truncate() function.
In the following example, we will take a text file located at myfolder/sample.txt
path and truncate the data in the file to a size of 25
Original file

Python Program
import os
path_to_file = "myfolder/sample.txt"
with open(path_to_file, 'a') as file:
print('File truncated successfully.')
File truncated successfully.
with statement implicitly takes care of closing the file.
Resulting sample.txt

In this tutorial of Python Examples, we learned how to resize or truncate a text file using truncate() function, with the help of example programs.