How to find Element by Partial Link Text using Selenium?

Find Element by Partial Link Text

To find a Link Element (hyperlinks) by partial link text, using Selenium in Python, call find_element() method and pass By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT as the first argument, and the partial link text value as the second argument.

find_element(By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT, "partial_link_text_value")

For an example to link text, in the following code snippet, About can be the partial link text, or 'article', or 'this article' could be partial link text.

<a href="/about/">About this article</a>


In the following example, we find the link element using find_element() function, with partial link text 'New Article'.

The HTML page has two links of which one link has a link text of 'About New Article', and 'New Article' is a partial link text that matches with this link.

HTML Webpage

  <p>Hello World!</p>
  <a href="/tmp/about/">About Hello World</a>
  <p>New Article</p>
  <a href="/tmp/new-article/">About New Article</a>

Python Program (Selenium)

from selenium import webdriver
from import ChromeDriverManager
from import Service as ChromeService
from import By

# Setup chrome driver
driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=ChromeService(ChromeDriverManager().install()))

# Navigate to the url

# Find element by Partial Link Text
my_link = driver.find_element(By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT, 'New Article')

# Close the driver


<a href="/tmp/new-article/">About New Article</a>

If there is no element by given partial link text in the web page, find_element() function raises NoSuchElementException.

In the following example, we have taken an HTML page with two links. But, none of the two links have the partial link text as 'Policy'. So, when we try to find element by partial link text 'Policy' using find_element() function, then the function throws NoSuchElementException.

HTML Webpage

  <p>Hello World!</p>
  <a href="/about/">About Hello World</a>
  <p>New Article</p>
  <a href="/new-article/">About New Article</a>

Python Program (Selenium)

from selenium import webdriver
from import ChromeDriverManager
from import Service as ChromeService
from import By

# Setup chrome driver
driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=ChromeService(ChromeDriverManager().install()))

# Navigate to the url

# Find element by Partial Link Text
my_link = driver.find_element(By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT, 'Policy')

# Close the driver


    raise exception_class(message, screen, stacktrace)
selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"link text","selector":"Policy"}


In this tutorial of Python Examples, we learned how to find an element by partial link text in the webpage, using Selenium.

Quiz on Selenium

Q1. What is a web driver in Selenium Python?

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Q2. What is the method used to navigate back to the previous page in Selenium Python?

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Q3. Which of the following is not a commonly used assertion method in Selenium Python?

Not answered

Q4. What is the method used to take a screenshot in Selenium Python?

Not answered

Q5. What is the method used to clear the text from an input field in Selenium Python?

Not answered
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