Selenium – Open Safari browser

Python Selenium – Open Safari

In this tutorial, you shall learn how to open Safari browser, using Selenium, in Python language.


We have to set the Allow Remote Automation to open Safari browser using Selenium.

To set Allow Remote Automation in Safari browser,

  • Open Safari browser.
  • Click on Develop menu.
  • Make sure the menu item Allow Remote Automation is checked. If not checked already, click on it.
Python Selenium - Open Safari

Steps to open Safari browser using Selenium Python

Step 1

Import webdriver module from selenium module.

from selenium import webdriver

Step 2

Create a Safari driver instance using webdriver.Safari() class.

driver = webdriver.Safari()


In the following example, we followed the above said steps to create a Safari driver instance, and open a Safari browser window.

Python Program

from selenium import webdriver

# Setup Safari driver
driver = webdriver.Safari()

# Navigate to the url

# Close the driver


Python Selenium - Open Safari


In this Python Selenium Tutorial, we have seen how to create a Safari driver instance and open a Safari browser window.

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Quiz on Selenium

Q1. Which of the following is not a popular web driver used in Selenium Python?

Not answered

Q2. What is the method used to find web elements in Selenium Python?

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Q3. Which of the following is not a commonly used assertion method in Selenium Python?

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Q4. Which of the following is not a commonly used web element locator in Selenium Python?

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Q5. What is the method used to clear the text from an input field in Selenium Python?

Not answered
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