Pressing Browser’s Back Button – Selenium


Pressing the Browser’s Back Button

To simulate pressing of the browser’s back button programmatically using Selenium for Python, call back() method on the Web Driver object.



  1. Initialise Chrome Web Driver object as driver.
  2. Get the URL using web driver object.
  3. Find element by link text 'OpenCV' and click on the element.
  4. Make an implicit wait of 5 seconds.
  5. Press browser’s back button using driver.back().

Python Program

from import Service
from selenium import webdriver
from import By

service = Service(executable_path="/usr/local/bin/chromedriver")

# Initialize web driver
with webdriver.Chrome(service=service) as driver:
    #navigate to the url
    #find element that has link text : 'OpenCV'
    driver.find_element(By.LINK_TEXT, 'OpenCV').click()
    #press on browser's back button


Navigation Step #1 : Get the URL

Pressing Browser's Back Button - Selenium

Navigation Step #2 : Find OpenCV link and click on it.

Pressing Browser's Back Button - Selenium

Navigation Step #3 : Press the browser’s back button.

Pressing Browser's Back Button - Selenium


In this Python Selenium Tutorial, we learned how to press the browser’s back button programmatically using driver.back() method.

Quiz on Selenium

Q1. Which of the following is not a popular web driver used in Selenium Python?

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Q2. What is the method used to navigate back to the previous page in Selenium Python?

Not answered

Q3. Which of the following is not a commonly used assertion method in Selenium Python?

Not answered

Q4. What is the method used to take a screenshot in Selenium Python?

Not answered

Q5. What is the method used to clear the text from an input field in Selenium Python?

Not answered
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